A disease affecting many persons at the same place and time ≈ epidemic
A disease widely epidemic ≈ pandemic
A disease confined to a particular district or place ≈ endemic
A disease affecting widely scatters groups of people ≈ sporadic
A substance which destroys or weakens germs ≈ antiseptic
A substance used by dentists to deaden the gum and nerve ≈ cocaine
A substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness ≈ chloroform
Any medicine which produces insensibility ≈ anaesthetic
A medicine which alleviates pain ≈ anodyne
The mark or scar left after a wound is healed by ≈ cicatrice, cicatrix
The powder or paste (usually sweet smelling) used for cleaning the teeth ≈
toothpaste, dentrifice
A medicine to counteract poison ≈ antidote
An instrument used by physicians for listening to the action of the heart
and lungs ≈ stethoscope
Free or exempt from infection ≈ immune
To place apart to prevent from infecting other ≈ isolate
A medice for producing sleep ≈ narcotic opiate
A medicine to cause vomiting ≈ emetic
Confinement to one place to avoid spread of infection ≈ quarantine
To cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected ≈ amputate
A cure for all diseases ≈ panacea
One who is recovering from illness ≈ convalescent
Gradual recovery from illness ≈ convalescent
A vehicle for conveying sick or injured people to the hospital ≈
Want or poorness of blood ≈ anaemia
Affecting the lungs ≈ pulmonary
A substance to keep down evil smells ≈ deodorant
To be able to tell the nature of a disease by its symptoms ≈ diagnosis
To disinfect by smoke ≈ fumigate
The science of disease of the human body ≈ pathology
The mosquito which transmits malaria ≈ anopheles
The mosquito which transmits filaria ≈ culex
The mosquito which transmit yellow fever ≈ stegomyia