Saturday, August 31, 2013

Do we know?

IBM = International business machines
ENIAC= Electronic numerical integrator and cal
EDVAC =Electronic discrete variable automatic computer
EDSAC = Electronic delay storage automatic calculator
UNIVAC = universal automatic computer
IC = Integrated circuit
IC’s = Integrated Circuits
MSI = Medium scale integration
SSI = Small scale integration
LSI = Large scale integration
VLSI = Very Large scale integration
DIPS = Date information processing system
LIPS = Logic information
PROLOG = Programming in log

Friday, August 30, 2013

Some important terms

A disease affecting many persons at the same place and time ≈ epidemic
A disease widely epidemic ≈ pandemic
A disease confined to a particular district or place ≈ endemic
A disease affecting widely scatters groups of people ≈ sporadic
A substance which destroys or weakens germs ≈ antiseptic
A substance used by dentists to deaden the gum and nerve ≈ cocaine
A substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness ≈ chloroform
Any medicine which produces insensibility ≈ anaesthetic
A medicine which alleviates pain ≈ anodyne
The mark or scar left after a wound is healed by ≈ cicatrice, cicatrix
The powder or paste (usually sweet smelling) used for cleaning the teeth ≈ toothpaste, dentrifice
A medicine to counteract poison ≈ antidote
An instrument used by physicians for listening to the action of the heart and lungs ≈ stethoscope
Free or exempt from infection ≈ immune
To place apart to prevent from infecting other ≈ isolate
A medice for producing sleep ≈ narcotic opiate
A medicine to cause vomiting ≈ emetic
Confinement to one place to avoid spread of infection ≈ quarantine
To cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected ≈ amputate
A cure for all diseases ≈ panacea
One who is recovering from illness ≈ convalescent
Gradual recovery from illness ≈ convalescent
A vehicle for conveying sick or injured people to the hospital ≈ ambulance
Want or poorness of blood ≈ anaemia
Affecting the lungs ≈ pulmonary
A substance to keep down evil smells ≈ deodorant
To be able to tell the nature of a disease by its symptoms ≈ diagnosis
To disinfect by smoke ≈ fumigate
The science of disease of the human body ≈ pathology
The mosquito which transmits malaria ≈ anopheles
The mosquito which transmits filaria ≈ culex
The mosquito which transmit yellow fever ≈ stegomyia

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What is the Reactivity Series?

A chemical that undergoes reactions easily is said to be reactive. 
It shows the metals in order with the most reactive at the top.
The Reactivity Series is grouped based on whether the metal reacts with oxygen, water and acids. If two metals come out equal based on this, we look at how fast they react.
The most reactive metals are the alkali metals - group I of the periodic table. As you move down this group, the reactions get more violent.
The group I metals are called 'alkali metals'; when they react with water they form an alkali solution.