Monday, May 28, 2012

test periodic table

Test : Periodic Table


1. Define valency. [1]
2. How does valency vary in a group and period in the periodic table? [1]
3. What is the valency of noble gases? [1]
4. How do metals react in a period? [1]
5. How do metals react in a group? [1]
6. How does the reactivity of non–metals changes in a period and group? [2]
7. Give the properties of the oxides in a particular period. [2]
8. What is an amphoteric oxide? [1]
9. Define a neutral oxide. [1]
10. Why does lithium form covalent bond unlike other alkali which forms ionic
11. What is the general outer electronic configuration of f – block elements? [1]
12. Why do Na and K have similar properties? [1]
13. Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of metallic character :
Si, Be, Mg, Na, P. [1]
14. The atomic number of an element is 16. Determine its position in accordance
to its electronic configuration. [2]
15. Why are elements at the extreme left and extreme right the most reactive? [2]
16. Why does the ionization enthalpy gradually decreases in a group? [1]
17. Why does electronegativity value increases across a period and decreases
down period? [2]
18. How does electronegativity and non – metallic character related to each
other? [2]

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