Friday, June 01, 2012

Physics (Electricity) Xth CBSE

PHYSICS (ELECTRICITY)                                                CLASS: X
BOARD: CBSE                                                                  TIME ALLOWED: 45MIN

  1. A metallic conductor has loosely bound electrons called free electrons. What is the charge on the metallic conductor?                                                                 1

  1. Define the term volt.                                                                                        1

  1. State Ohm’s law                                                                                               1

4.   How many electrons are there in 2C charge                                             1

  1. Why electrical appliances have fuse wire?                                                  2

  1. Heating element of an electric iron is made of which metal. Give reason too?
  1. Alloys are used in electrical heating devices rather than pure metals. Give reason.                                                                                         2

  1. Two metallic wires A and B are connected in second wire A has length l and radius r, while wire B has length 2l and radius 2r.
Find the ratio of total Resistance of series combination and the resistance of wire A, if both the wires are of same material?                                                         2

  1. Calculate the resistance of an electric bulb which allows a 20A current when
connected to a 440V power source?                                                          2

  1. A house hold uses the following electric appliance;
(i)                Refrigerator of rating 400w for ten hour each day.
(ii)              Two electric fans of rating 80w each for twelve hours each day.
(iii)            Six bulb of rating 18w each for 6hours each day.
Calculate the electricity bill of the household for the month of June if the cost
per unit of electric energy is Rs. 5.00                                                         3

10. Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit consisting of 10V battery, 5 ohm, 3W and1Wresistor, an ammeter and a plug key, all connected in series.

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