Thursday, February 07, 2013

chemistry test paper (XII) Amines, biomolecules, polymers, chemistry in every day life

1.    Draw resonance structures of Aniline?
2.    Write Hoffman elemination reaction?
3.    Draw D-Glucose?
4.    What is muta – rotation?
5.    Explain tertiary structure of Proteins?
6.    Write defination of Enzyme?
7.    Write difference between Fibrous proteins and Globulor Proteins?
8.    Write  structure of Nylon-6?
9.    Define polymerisation?
10.  What is denaturation of portein?
11.  What is Condensation Polymerisation?
12.  What are antacids?
13.  What is Hard Water?
14.  Draw Structure of Zwitter-ion from of alpha amino acetic acid?
15.  What is translation?

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